

🎲 L U C K Y 🎲  We were recently made aware that consumers familiar with @jessieve_ldn jewellery had raised concerns regarding the resemblance between Valentino’s collection of 'Lovestud number' rings and Jessie V E’s 'Lucky Number' collection. As a gesture of goodwill and to reinforce its support for young designers such as myself, @maisonvalentino have decided to withdraw the rings from sale. I very much appreciate Valentino’s initiative and its cooperation. 

A HUGE SPARKLY thank you to...

We've been shortlisted!

We've been shortlisted!

So excited to find out that Jessie V E has been shortlisted for 'New Designer Of The Year' at the 2017 UK Jewellery Awards! 

So thrilled and absolutely amazed to have been chosen as a finalist after just over a year since our launch!

The awards are in June so please all keep your fingers crossed for us til then, although just being shortlisted is enough of a thrill in itself!